Ta-wei Chi 紀大偉;Elaine Chung;Jessica Siu-yin Yeung, 2022.12, 'Introduction: Comedies in East Asian Media: Laughing in Bitter Times, ' ARCHIV ORIENTÁLNÍ, Vol.90, No.3, pp.407-415.
Ari Heinrich*;Howard Chiang;Ta-wei Chi(紀大偉), 2020.12, '"Introduction: Towards a Queer Sinofuturism.", ' _Screen Bodies: The Journal of Embodiment, Media Arts, and Technology_, Vol.5, No.2, pp.38-45.(*為通訊作者)
紀大偉, 2020.06, '評 Howard Chiang,_After Eunuchs: Science, Medicine, and the Transformation of Sex in Modern China_, ' 《近代中國婦女史研究》, No.35, pp.183-191.(THCI)
紀大偉, 2013.12, 'Flaneuse or Innocent: Blind Women in Chinese-Language Visual Culture in the New Millennium, ' Tamkang Review, Vol.44, No.1, pp.67-92.(THCI Core) Ref.
紀大偉, 2012.09, '情感的輔具︰ 弱勢,勵志,身心障礙敘事, ' 文化研究 Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.0, No.15, pp.45-74.(THCI Core) Ref.
紀大偉, 2007.12, 'Performers of the Paternal Past: History, Female Impersonators, and Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction, ' positions: east asia cultures critique, Vol.15, No.3, pp.580-608.(AHCI)
紀大偉, 2005.09, 'In the Name of Enlightenment: Pedagogy and the Uses of Same-Sex Desire in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction, ' MCLC (Modern Chinese Literature and Culture), Vol.17, No.2, pp.167-201.(AHCI)
紀大偉, 2024.11, '*Ta-wei Chi- “Being Thrown Like a Girl: A Feminist Phenomenological Reading of the Yuri Fiction by Yang Shu, ' Queering Taiwan Studies Conference, UC Santa Barbara.
紀大偉, 2019.04, '"Cripping" Leslie Leung, a Sinophone Gay Icon, ' Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of Sydney.
紀大偉, 2019.04, '後現代文學如何「消費」身心障礙, ' The 7th East Asia Disability Studies Forum: Postmodernism and Disability Studies, Soonchunhyang University.
紀大偉, 2016.06, 'Disabilities in Taiwanese Literature, ' The 13th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, EATS: European Association of Taiwan Studies.
紀大偉, 2016.06, 'Anxiety of Catching Up: The Politics of Translating the Queer in Taiwan, ' Queer Translation Conference, 維也納大學翻譯中心.
紀大偉, 2009.05, 'Undressing History: Unwrapping the Marriage of the Transgender and Grand Narrative, ' Trans Ventures--Trans/Formations of Gender in Sinophone Culture: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Chinese Articulations of Transgenderism in Comparative, Post-Colonial, and Transnational Perspectives, Department of History, Princeton University.
紀大偉, 2008.12, 'Chinese Science Fiction as Minor Literature, ' Loyalism and Betrayal: a Conference, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University.
紀大偉, 2007.03, 'Realism between Nanjing and Wuhan, ' AAS (Association for Asian Studies) Annual Meeting, AAS (Association for Asian Studies).
紀大偉, 2003.03, 'Allegorical Theater: Ba Jin’s Jia [Family], ' WAAS (West Association for Asian Studies) Annual Conference, WAAS (West Association for Asian Studies).
紀大偉, 2002.12, 'Desire in Communist China, ' MLA, MLA.(MLA)
紀大偉, 2002.05, 'Libidinal Homecoming: Non-normative Male Subjectivity in Recent Chinese American Literature, ' American Literature Association Annual Convention, American Literature Association.
紀大偉, 2002.05, '“Interpellating Shanghai: Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Haishanghua [Flowers of Shanghai].” At SCS (Society for Cinema Studies) Annual Conference. Denver, USA. May 2002., ' SCS (Society for Cinema Studies) Annual Conference, SCS (Society for Cinema Studies) Annual Conference.
紀大偉, 2002.04, 'Dialectic among the Birds: Globally Mapping Sexuality in Taiwan, ' ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Annual Conference, ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association).
紀大偉, 2000.10, 'From Sons to Boys: Pai Hsien-yung''s Niezi [Crystal Boys], ' Taiwan Studies Conference at UCLA, UCLA.
紀大偉, 2000.10, 'Transnational Gaze, Local Boys, ' WAAS (West Association for Asian Studies) Annual Conference, West Association for Asian Studies.
紀大偉, 2024.10, 'Chapter 2. Representations of Blindness in Taiyupian, ' Edinburgh Studies in East Asian Film, Edinburgh University Press, pp.43-59.
紀大偉, 2023.12, 'Negotiations Between the Queer and the Literary: Translations of Chinese-Language Queer Literature, ' The Bloomsbury Handbook of Modern Chinese Literature in Translation, Bloomsbury, pp.65-76.
紀大偉, 2018.11, 'Entry of "Tongzhi Literature, Taiwan" in _Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History" 1st Edition (Gale) New York: Gale., ' GALE, Gale (Charles Scribner and Sons), pp.1609-1613.
紀大偉, 2016.12, 'Plural Not Singular: Homosexuality in Taiwanese Literature in the 1960s, ' Routledge Research on Gender in Asia Series, Routledge, pp.44-63.