范銘如, 1999, 'From Homogeneity to Heterogeneity: Women’s Literature in Contemporary Taiwan, ' The Stockholm Journal of Asian Studies, No.10, pp.215-222. Ref.
范銘如, 2023.10, 'Progress and Regress: Language Policy and Gender Politics of Sinophone Women's Literature in Singapore, ' 65th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies, The UCLA Asia Pacific Center, University of California.
范銘如, 2023.07, 'Time and Movement in Narrative Space, ' The Twenty-fifth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), Sophia University.
范銘如, 2019.12, 'Bridging a Comparison among Contemporary Japanese, South Korean, and Taiwanese Women’s Literature, ' The 5th Congress of the Asian Association of Women's Studies 2019, Asian Association of Women's Studies.
范銘如, 2011.06, 'Two Golden Ages of Taiwanese Women''s Fiction, ' Taiwanese Literature in East Asian Context: Methodology and Comparative Framework, UT-Austin東亞系.
范銘如, 2010.11, '南國,再現中國:戰後台灣的空間改造, ' International Conference on Taiwan Literature: History and Methodology, UC-Davis東亞系. Ref.
范銘如, 2005.04, 'The Sense of Place in Hwang Chun-ming’s Fiction, ' The Margins of Becoming. Identity and Culture in Taiwan, Ruhr University Bochum. Ref.
范銘如, 1998.08, 'From Homogeneity to Heterogeneity: Women’s Literature in Contemporary Taiwan, ' National Culture in the Era of Globalization, Stockholm University. Ref.
范銘如;tran. by Conrad Cornelius Carl, 2024.09, 'Divergenz und Konvergenz Taiwanischer Identität (台灣認同的歧異與趨同), ' Von Berglern und Geheimagenten: Zeitgenössische Erzählungen aus Taiwan (原住民與奸細:當代台灣短篇小說選集), Projektverlag, pp.7-24.(德語(文))
范銘如, 2023.02, 'Fan, Ming-ju.“Democracy Detoured and a Narrator Detached in the Political Fiction of Lai Xiangyin,”, ' Taiwan Literature in the 21th Century (Singapore: Springer, 2023),, Springer, pp.15-25..
吳家榮;范銘如, 2023.02, 'Introduction :Taiwan Literature in the 21th Century, ' Taiwan Literature in the 21th Century, Springer, pp.1-11.